Thank you for considering a gift to the North Bay Christian Academy.
Your support makes a tremendous impact on the lives of students and teachers. Individual gifts, large and small, collectively sustain the standard of excellence in teaching students and training our educators.

A cash gift entitles you to a charitable deduction against income. The deduction must be taken in the year in which your gift is made. Cash gifts can be made as a one-time contribution, or in installments as payments toward a pledge. For your convenience, cash gifts may be paid via check or credit card.

A gift of appreciated securities entitles you to a charitable deduction equal to the fair market value of the securities without paying tax on the securities’ appreciation. To make a gift of stock, please contact Natalie McIntosh Director of Development at (415) 892 8921.

Companies often sponsor matching-gift programs that can double an employee’s charitable contribution. Ask your company’s personnel office for more information on directing a matching gift NBCA.

Planned gifts from donors’ wills and trusts can provide a current charitable deduction in addition to income for your lifetime. The income can be distributed to you, the donor, your spouse or other designee, after which the assets would be distributed to the school. Institutions can achieve stability and growth through planned giving. Contact your tax advisor for specific information that relates to your particular circumstances.

A gift of a paid-up life insurance policy can provide a tax deduction to the donor and a significant gift to the school. Life insurance premiums are tax deductible if the school is designated as the owner and the beneficiary of the policy.

Independent schools welcome donations such as computers, office equipment, classroom supplies, athletic equipment, books and other items related to the educational program. The Development Office will be happy to help you determine the acceptability of gifts. Gift value will be determined by the donor through appraisal or record of purchase. NBCA does not assign value to used items.

Pledges can be paid over several years. A donor may choose to pledge a gift in one year, but can take several years to complete the fulfillment of that pledge.

While NBCA finds unrestricted gifts the most useful, gifts can also be restricted to a particular area or project of donor interest.